In an effort to continue funding the Horseshoe Tour “Big Game” points payout, the Tour staff has decided to increase the tournament entry fee to $90 starting in 2023. This $10 increase is the first in a few years, and will bolster the payout from top to bottom in the standings. This also gives players the opportunity to partner with the Horseshoe Tour, and the individual sites to help fund it.
In the past we have offered the “Open Division” at all sites, then only at first time sites, but with the lack of entries to even run this division, we have decided to eliminate this division all together. The fact that players are now opting to play in the Prime Divisions in order to play the entire weekend, and receive all the benefits of the Prime Division, has basically initiated this move.
We have used two different methods in the past for breaking “match” ties in the finals, but starting in 2023 we will go to a much simpler method of a 10 shoe tiebreaker in all classes.
A new document will be added to the website listing all the Horseshoe Tour Hall of Famers. The criteria for entering the HOF is already listed on the site.
Updated versions of the tour entry form, the 2023 schedule, the new big game chart, and rules have been uploaded.