Big Game/Points Checks!

We have begun mailing out the 2016 Horseshoe Tour Big Game/Points Championship checks. Congratulations to the players who landed in one of these places. There were a number of ties that had to be broken, and as we announced earlier this year, the first tie breaker is the number of events attended, all ties after that, were made very simple, we combined all those spots, and divided all the money equally between them. The updated Big Game/Points summary will be posted soon on our website at which includes our final event in St. George, Utah. If you are a winner, and have any concerns or questions, please contact Ron Taylor. There was originally 50 points places to be paid, but with ties, 58 checks will be mailed.

St. George Reception

The Reception for the Red Rock Championships in St. George, UT is Thursday December 1st 6-9 pm at the Red Lion (host hotel). Finger foods will be provided by. Full meals can be purchased from the in-house restaurant. Make plans to attend if you can, it’s going to be nice.

Red Rock Championships

We are very excited to get out to St. George, UT for the Red Rock Championship tour event, and we want to thank everyone involved there for their hard work preparing for the tournament. As entries start to come in, don’t forget that the host hotel for this tournament is the Red Lion, and the rates are very reasonable for such a nice hotel. Most of our activities away from the courts will be taking place there (reception, card game, etc) and as a player, you know the host hotel reduces rates to accommodate all of us while we are in town. Our staff, and a number of players so far have booked there, and it is very important that you support the tour, the site, and the folks who arranged this for us, by using the Red Lion for your stay on that weekend. Remember also that all info pertaining to the St. George event, including the hotel info, and a list of entries, is located on the right side of our website under “Coming tournament information”, just click on “St. George information” and get your entry in if you plan on attending.


We have a number of checks for this year that haven’t been cashed, I guess people just don’t need the money like I do 🙂 If you are one of these players, and you know who you are, please cash your checks where we can keep our records straight. I don’t want have to call people at the end of the year again, trying to balance our books.
